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EPISODE 37 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 37-38)
w/ Julia Schifini


Multitude's own Julia Schifini returns to finish off the remainder of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Topics include ANOTHER DANG RECAP, "The Weapon," Mike taking a BIG SWING at a theory, McGonagall impressions, found family, determining the worst book in the series, and more!

EPISODE 36 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 36-37)
w/ Julia Schifini


Julia Schifini of Multitude returns to talk more Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Topics include MIKE GUSHING OVER THE VOLDEMORT vs. DUMBLEDORE FIGHT, dramatic entrances, the return of Phineas Nigellus, weird sides of Twitter, lame puns, minimalist bookshelves, JK's best writing yet, and more!

EPISODE 35 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 34-35)
w/ Julia Schifini


Julia Schifini (Spirits, Tides) joins to discuss the beginning of the final five chapters of OotP and IT GETS INTENSE. Topics include boney ponies, Harry Potter and the Rise of Ginny Weasley, Star Wars, one-syllable spells, PHRASING, an important Neville detail, something the movies ACTUALLY did better than the books, and more!

EPISODE 34 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 30-33)
w/ Hannah McGregor


Hannah McGregor of Witch Please returns to SASS THE HELL OUT OF OUR BELOVED HOST. Topics include student power, A NEW ELEMENT OF QUIDDITCH MIKE LEARNS HE HATES, the treatment of giants and centaurs, patronus double entendres, Umbridge's likeness to Voldemort, Mike almost nailing a prediction, Mike totally botching a prediction, and more!

EPISODE 33 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 28-29)
w/ Hannah McGregor


Hannah McGregor of Witch Please joins to discuss Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Topics include settling The Great Trouser Debate, parallels between OotP and current politics, a pensive deep dive, Hannah DESTROYING Mike for being snarky, McGonagall DEMOLISHING Umbridge, and more! 

EPISODE 32 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 25-27)
w/ Eric Silver


Eric Silver of Join the Party returns for another giggle-filled discussion of Harry Potter and the Oder of the Phoenix! Topics include Harry's high school struggles, SPORTS, Face/Off, another quidditch rant, heavy fudge, DRAMATIC DUMBLEDORE and more!

EPISODE 31 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 23-24)
w/ Eric Silver


Eric Silver of Join the Party Podcast talks with Schubes about various aspects of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix including Wizard Christmas, dealing with teenagers, GINNY STOCK RISING, the Weird Sisters, heart-wrenching moments, Megabus, rolling backpacks, and more! 

EPISODE 30 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 20-22)
w/ Kelly Beckman & Alex Moothart


Alex Moothart returns and Kelly Beckman debuts in the FIRST EPISODE WITH TWO GUESTS AT THE SAME TIME! These two debate whether the 5th book is the best in the series or the worst. Topics include Hagrid and Maxime's spin-off movie, Jane Goodall, Harry and Cho's Cringefest, Hogwarts needing a therapist, Pokemon, and more!

EPISODE 29 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 17-19)
w/ Zach Valenti


Zach Valenti of Wolf 359 joins to talk Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Topics include Large spiky black Ds, Umbridge vs. everyone, McG continuing to KILL IT, Pokemon battles, sick burns, Harry “Inspector Gadget” Potter, Red-headed dogs, FIRE WHISKEY, GINNY’S BIG MOMENT, The Declaration of Independence, being fancy, and more!

EPISODE 28 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 15-16)
w/ Zach Valenti


Zach Valenti of Wolf 359 joins to talk Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Topics include Large spiky black Ds, Umbridge vs. everyone, McG continuing to KILL IT, Pokemon battles, sick burns, Harry “Inspector Gadget” Potter, Red-headed dogs, FIRE WHISKEY, GINNY’S BIG MOMENT, The Declaration of Independence, being fancy, and more!

EPISODE 27 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 11-14)
w/ Lauren Shippen


Lauren Shippen of the Bright Sessions podcast returns to discuss more Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Topics include Jim Dale's signing, JK hating Hufflepuff, Ron's numbness to romance, Hermione standing up for herself, Snape & Umbridge are horrible teachers, JK's obsession with ejaculation, McGonagall being the GOAT, literate owls, and more!

EPISODE 26 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 9-10)
w/ Lauren Shippen


Lauren Shippen, creator of the Bright Sessions podcast, joins to discuss chapters 9 and 10 of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Topics include a need for wizard statistics, Book Ginny outshining Movie Ginny, Sirius “Whiny Bitch” Black, Harry “Anti-Prefect” Potter, the rise of Mrs. Weasley, lime green bowlers, tonal shifts, AND MIKE PREDICTING THINGS CORRECTLY.

EPISODE 25 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 4-8)
w/ Eric Schneider


Eric Schneider, editor/producer of Spirits Podcast, returns to discuss more Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Topics include ANGSTY HARRY and how he almost made Mike stop reading, more reasons why Percy sucks, House Elf Taxidermy, the appeal of Voldemort's Army, TOO MUCH CLEANING, Arthur being bad at his job, and SASSFEST 2017

EPISODE 24 : Order of the Phoenix (Ch. 1-3)
w/ Eric Schneider


Eric Schneider of Spirits Podcast joins to discuss the opening chapters of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix! Topics include exposition dumps, The Cauldron Black Market, Petunia+James?, "Probably Voldemort," ANGSTY HARRY, mid-2000s teen comedies, TONKS, and most importantly, THE RETURN OF THE PUT-OUTER!

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