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EPISODE 23 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 34-37 )
w/ Sydney Adams


Sydney Adams returns to close out the final chapters of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Topics include how the movie ruined the epic battle, Mike accidentally guessing the plot twist, toilet polyjuice potion, Azkaban being poorly run, Priori Incantatem Problems, thoughts on Phoenixes, Kreepy Krum, Vicious Hermione, and more!

EPISODE 22 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 31-33 )
w/ Sydney Adams


Sydney Adams returns to cover the meatiest part of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire in an episode LOADED with laughs and tangents. Topics include "GOTTA BE BAGMAN!", Hermione's inner monologue, The Disturbed and The Dangerous, Wizarding participation trophies, Weasley rankings, Wizard braces, the Oogachaka baby, villain speeches, and more!

EPISODE 21 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 27-30)
w/ Melissa Anelli


New York Times Bestseller and host of Pottercast, Melissa Anelli, retruns to discuss Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Topics include Fancy Viktor Krum, 5 things wrong with Snape, Crouch vs. Bagman III, Anthrax, 80s montages, AND THE DARKEST HARRY POTTER THEORY EVER.

EPISODE 20 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 24-26)
w/ Melissa Anelli


Schubes speaks with FREAKING NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLING AUTHOR, Melissa Anelli! Topics include Harry's refusal to ask questions, Book Krum's dominance over Movie Krum, JK's sneak jokes, Polite Sassy Dumbeldore, Myrtle's dark turn, Ron being a seer, Percy being worse than Voldemort, Hogwarts allowing death, Hermione's botched research, and more!

EPISODE 19 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 23)
w/ Vanessa Zolton & Roasianna Halse Rojas


First, Rosianna Halse Rojas returns to discuss the Yule Ball. Topics include Dobby's dope socks, Hermione's smart play with teeth, Krum's character development, Snape vendetta against bushes, and Roger “The Trifecta” Davies.


Then, Vanessa Zoltan of Harry Potter and the Sacred Text joins to FURTHER DISCUSS the Yule Ball. Topics include Wizard dermatology, The Weird Sisters, Voldemort's hatred of finals, the start of Ron’s crush, Warrior Hermione, PERCY, Harry and Ron: the worst dates, and Parvathi saving the day.

EPISODE 18 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 20-22)
w/ Roasianna Halse Rojas


Rosianna Halse Rojas returns to discuss three more chapters of GoF! Topics include Pomfrey reaching her breaking point, Krooked Karkarov, Harry's incredibly lame burn, the largest subtweet in history, Ron's improved joke game, Crouch Vs Bagman heating up, and how the screenwriter of the 4th film royally screwed up.

EPISODE 17 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 17-19)
w/ Roasianna Halse Rojas


Schubes is joined by Rosianna Halse Rojas (@papertimelady) to discuss wide range of topics about Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Topics include the complications of the Goblet's contract, Petty Hedwig, Hermione being good at everything, the character arc of the skrewts, Snape being unforgivable , phallic Olivander, Savage Sirius, Sassy Dumbledore, The Great Toast Debate, and MIKE LEARNING JK HATES (writing about) QUIDDITCH!

EPISODE 16 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 14-16)
w/ Jake Kilroy


Jake Kilroy returns to discuss the meatier parts of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Topics include Mike's Latin classes in high school paying off, I Destroy as I Speak: the band, STOAOOFMCACFACITLS, social commentary on textbooks, disgust towards the casting choices of the movies, and more! Most importantly, Jake defends the two things Schubes hates most: Dobby and QUIDDITCH.

EPISODE 15 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 11-13)
w/ Jake Kilroy


Jake Kilroy joins to discuss a far less problematic section of Goblet of Fire! Topics include Percy rants, Malfoy rants, Destructive Ron in need of an intervention, Patrick Swayze, Snape being a dick, no one loving Prof. Vector, and more!

EPISODE 14 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 6-10)
w/ David Tres


David Tres, host of Contemporary Cage, is back to discuss arguably the worst section of the entire Harry Potter series. Topics include Cold Blooded JK Rowling, Douchey Mr. Diggory, a bountiful harvest of quidditch rants, Jim Dale's awful voices, Finding Nemo Leprechauns, Momma Weasley yelling at Percy, and more!

EPISODE 13 : Goblet of Fire (Chapter 1-5)
w/ David Tres


David Tres joins to discuss out least favorite part of the series, the beginning of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Topics include nipple snakes, Sensitive Voldemort, Wizard Playstation, Bill not being cool, Pigwidgeon being a bad name, and MORE QUIDDITCH RANTS. The entire 150 pages discussed in this episode and next can be summarized in four bullet points, so these episodes are LOADED with sass.

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