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POTTERLESS : Canon Spin-Offs

EPISODE 169: Crimes of Grindelwald (Part 4)
w/ Dottie James

Oh you thought this movie was bad so far? WE'RE AT THE PART WHERE EVERYTHING GOES OFF THE RAILS. NOTHING CAN PREPARE YOU FOR THESE SHENANIGANS. Topics include: birthdays, Yes and/No but, Leta destroying your puzzle, The Titanic, misogynistic family trees, The Lizzie McGuire movie, the pink rhinoceros theory, LES NON MAGIQUE, shit stew, creepy hugs, Wonder Woman, and more!

EPISODE 168: Crimes of Grindelwald (Part 3)
w/ Dottie James

Dottie James (@DotttieJames) lends her writing expertise to pick up the torch and further analyze Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald! Topics include: Hedwig’s theme on cocaine, Leonardo Dicaprio meme, the boggart lesson, The West Wing, The Frenchwoman, Black Panther, The Mirror of Kcabhsalf, Bane, 1920s Google Maps, Dragon Ball Z, and more!

EPISODE 167: Crimes of Grindelwald (Part 2)
w/ Bayana Davis & Robyn Jordan

#WizardTeam's Robyn and Bayana return to discuss more of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Crimes of Grindelwald! Topics include: Kingdom Hearts, Jude Law can rock a robe, Game of Thrones, fan service, racism int he movie, worshipping evil schemes, Nightcrawler, Raybarer, disappointed French people, Stranger Things, consent issues, lack of vetting, and more!

EPISODE 166: Crimes of Grindelwald (Part 1)
w/ Bayana Davis & Robyn Jordan

Robyn and Bayana from Black Girls Create make their Potterless return to discuss the second Fantastic Beasts movie: The Crimes fo Grindelwald. OH BOY, IT'S TIME. Topics include: Jay Z, Rick Riordan, AMOM, Con-Air, Peter PettigNEW, Food Network, Dr. Seuss vacuums, the Star Wars Cantina scene, grandpa lookalikes, elegant clutter, haute bourgeois, and more!

EPISODE 164: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Movie (Part 3)
w/ Michael Harle

Michael Harle (@Lupinpatronus) returns to close the chapter on our coverage of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them. Topics include: Deathly Hallows transition, fixing Queenie, Manipulative Disney villains, Alfred Hitchcock, Accio rules, snot FB original plan, Magneto speeches, MORE REVELIO, Pfizer venom, Baz Luhrmann, Kelly interruptions, GET ON THE BOAT, Fantastic Yeasts, John Wick, and more!

EPISODE 163: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Movie (Part 2)
w/ Michael Harle

Michael Harle (@LupinPatronus) continues Potterless' coverage of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them! Topics include: Batman Begins, disaster banquets, Spider-Man rescues, Einstein Scamander, David Yates’ directing, Gemma Chan, Oscar-worthy shushes, mystery reveals, Crash Bandicoot, Ferris Bueller, and more!

EPISODE 162: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Movie (Part 1)
w/ Lizzie Sudlow

Lizzie Sudlow of SpeakBeasty joins Schubes to kick off our coverage of the Fantastic Beast films, providing insight, behind the scenes info, and fan perception at the time of release. Topics include: That Lady, Mina Lima, Mads Mikkelsen, Alohomora rules, representation, Knives Out, fatphobia, the wilds of Arizona, Oops all Beasts, Finding Nemo, petting zoos, and more!

EPISODE 152 - The Bertie Bott's Trivia Challenge
w/ Kelly Schubert


Kelly returns to Potterless for a fun new challenge. She and Mike alternate selecting Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans at random and answering trivia questions. If correct, they choose who eats the bean. If incorrect, the opponent chooses. Things get spicy (and gross)! Topics include: Beanboozled, ORNG, “burp me”, things stuck up noses, eating grass, light white and dark white, irks my bananas, and more!

EPISODE 151 - Fantastic Beasts Book (Part 4)
w/ Eric Scull


Mugglecast's Eric Scull joins Schubes to close the chapter on our coverage of Newt Scamander's Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them book! Topics include: Piglet, The Puritans, petting zoos, Donkey Kong, flying snakes, Mike’s bachelor party, Gilderoy’s intimidation, passive aggressive merpeople, BirdBox2: This Time it’s Personal, Spy Kids, The Little Mermaid, Yoshi, The Muppets, do wizards have guns, stealth Pumbaa, best selling textbooks, and more!

EPISODE 150 - Fantastic Beasts Book (Part 3)
w/ Micah Tannenbaum


Micah from Mugglecast joins in what becomes an incredibly chill discussion about some incredibly terrifying beasts from the Fantastic Beasts book. Topics include: Diglett, Fire-Ass, Wizarding CBD, Hidebehind: the movie, fish power, science lab, unjust detention, appendices, sonic the hedgehogs, Spirited Away, super corn & mega potatoes, the Pikachu of FBAWTFT, and more!

EPISODE 148: Fantastic Beasts Book (Part 2)
w/ Caleb Denecour

Caleb Denecour (@CalebDenecour) returns to talk from Billywigs through Dragons in the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them spin-off book! Topics include: Schubie Dooby Doo, Newt’s jacket, moldy dorms, respecting pets, Damian Lillard, Flying Monkeys, declawing cats, "orang-utan", Kevin from Up, venomous snakes, MOSQUITO DRAGONS, Mandyville, Francois Delacour, Alien vs. Predator, and more!

EPISODE 147: Fantastic Beasts Book (Part 1)
w/ Caleb Denecour

Caleb Denecour, Zoology major turned Ultimate Frisbee athlete, joins to talk about the first portion of Newt Scamander's "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" book! Topics include: Dumbledore inconsistencies, J. Jonah Jameson, acronyms, US textbooks, wanderlust, forewords, wizard consultants, MACUSA, toddler books, Smokey the Bear, Wizarding Parks and Rec, Yellowcard, a new basilisk plan, SpongeBob, and more!

EPISODE 145: Quidditch Through the Ages (Part 3) 
w/ J'Neia Stewart

J'Neia is back for the final bout against Quidditch Through the Ages and her and Schubes team up to deliver the final blow and knock this book out for good. Topics include: Herbologist Atheltes, Antipodean, Uno, The Johannesburg Jaguars, African Quidditch, Texas deserves better, British Imperialism, flying carpet problems, elite fireworks, broom wood types, Schubes1-16, The Flying V, and more!

EPISODE 144: Quidditch Through the Ages (Part 2) 
w/ J'Neia Stewart

J'Neia is back for more QTTA, and we actually get to cover the interesting part of the book! Sadly, that's only one chapter! Topics include: dunking, Bill Belichick, Air Bud: Snitch Edition, Usain Bolt, Werewolf Krum, Avengers Endgame, Gritty, the Beyoncé of Wales, Mykonos, the Bad Boy Pistons, The Incredibles, Celestina Warbeck lyrics, Monster's Inc. and more!

EPISODE 143: Quidditch Through the Ages (Part 1) 
w/ J'Neia Stewart

J'Neia Stewart from House of Black podcast starts our discussion of the dumpster fire that is Quidditch Through the Ages. Topics include: transfiguration brain, flying carpets, The Silver Surfer, “SURVIVORS?”, Marathons, “the spirit of not giving a fuck”, additional consonants, wizard jousting, a knights tale, the floor is lava, cabbage guy from ATLA, baseball with pigeons, old basketball, wizards on ice, and more!

EPISODE 127: Cursed Child - The Broadway Impact
w/ Gordon Cox

Variety's Gordon Cox, host of Stagecraft, lends his Broadway expertise to explain what it was like when Cursed Child record-setting opening, its star-studded production team, and its recent struggles. Topics include: The Lyric Theater, Former Barns, Moulin Rouge, American Idiot, The Summer Blockbuster of Broadway, pretending to know stuff in a conversation, 2Playz, The Staircase Ballet, and more!

EPISODE 126: Cursed Child - Act 4
w/ Leah Cornish

Mischief Management's Leah Cornish joins to defend Cursed Child's honor by talking Act 4 and arguing that it's actually good! Topics include: negligible negligence, Weasley Soup, a case for Ron, shower arguments, angst for breakfast, the SATs, lizard brain Harry, Paul Rudd, Ron: The Michael Scott of improv, the Defiled Conception, Rodolphus: Ultimate Cuck, Death Note, Alpius, and more!

EPISODE 125: Cursed Child - Act 3 (Part 2)
w/ Johnny Frohlichstein

Johnny (@johnnyfrohl) is back to dunk on Cursed Child again, and this one gets SILLY. Topics include: cheesy lines, Emotional McGonagall, chess, Duddy's Cubs, bad cop bad cop, the ultimate "Shut Up, Craig!", absurd rhyme schemes, Kingdom Hearts, Star Wars, rebirthing laughter, an 80s gift store, and more!

EPISODE 124: Cursed Child - Act 3 (Part 1)
w/ Johnny Frohlichstein

Johnny joins to dunk all over the dumpster fire that is the first half of Act 3 of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child! Topics include: Voldemort day, The Scorpion King, GRANDFATHER, kick me signs, Nazi LeBron James, Craig Bowker Jr., Snape marrying Voldey, Umbridge disappointment, time travel rules, and more!

EPISODE 123: Cursed Child - Act 2
w/ Proma Khosla

Proma Khosla (@PromaWhatUp) returns to talk more Harry Potter and the Cursed Child! Topics include: The New York Times Paywall, shipping Dean and Seamus, casting Mike as Ludo Bagman, JK’s return to Twitter, gaits, Zut Alor, Uncut Gems, Ludo & Charlie, portrait inconsistencies, THE PANJU RANT, Croaker’s law, Back to the Future, and more!

EPISODE 122: Cursed Child - Act 1
w/ Proma Khosla

Proma Khosla of Mashable joins to discuss the plot of first half of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Part One! Topics include: themed children, ableist language, the N train, Emo Albus, Shitty Amos, fresh bread, the fucking trolley witch, Oliver Wood sports sections, T9 Word, and more!

EPISODE 121: Cursed Child - The Playgoing Experience
w/ Kelly Beckman

Emily McGovern (@EmilysCartoons) returns to talk deleted scenes from the last two Harry Potter movies and answer some questions about My Life as a Background Slytherin! Topics include: Scottish stereotypes, Ron and Harry fanfic, Hermione's flirting game, French accents, Filch: a Meditation on Capitalism, the Slytherin aesthetic, literacy of wizards, Roald Dahl, and more!

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